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Hey there! I’m Alex Miziti and welcome to my website! I’m thrilled to share my passion for music with you. I live and breathe music as a DJ and Music Producer. This website is all about my love for music. Take a look around, and I hope you’ll enjoy getting to know more about me and my musical journey
KEY FX ( Listen Now)
Techno Groove envolved with Melodic Elements, song produced by Miziti and released by Musik Choice Record Label.
DJ Miziti, also known as DJ Alex Miziti, is a seasoned DJ and producer passionate about electronic music.
Born in 1980 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, he began his DJ career in 1996, exploring the local music scene and developing his skills in various musical styles.
Miziti combined Brazilian grooves with electronic beats from an early age, creating a unique sound. By 2002, he started producing his own remixes, drawing from techno, trance, and house influences.
In his early DJ days, Miziti played at local clubs and underground parties in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Known for his energetic and eclectic sets. He seamlessly mixed Brazilian rhythms with electronic beats, distinguishing himself in the DJing world.
In 2002, Miziti shifted to music production, showcasing his creativity and skills. His productions feature hypnotic rhythms, intricate melodies, and powerful basslines, reflecting the essence of techno, trance, and house music.
Miziti has performed at renowned clubs worldwide, including in Brazil and the USA, sharing stages with famous international DJs like John O’ Callaghan, Sébastien Léger, Anderson Noise, Mark Brown, and Robbie Rivera.
His live performances are carefully crafted to take the audience on an unforgettable journey.
His dedication to music make each set a unique and memorable experience.

Miziti combined Brazilian grooves with electronic beats from an early age, creating a unique sound. By 2002, he started producing his own tracks, drawing from techno, trance, and house influences.
In 2002, Miziti shifted to music production, showcasing his creativity and technical skills. His productions feature hypnotic rhythms, intricate melodies, and powerful basslines, reflecting the essence of techno, trance, and house music.
For over two decades, Miziti has been a significant figure in the electronic music scene, influencing and inspiring many. His dedication to music and his ability to connect with audiences make each set a unique and memorable experience.
Check out some highlights from my DJ journey! Here you’ll find a mix of live gig shots, behind-the-scenes moments, and studio vibes. Each photo captures the energy and passion of what I love most—bringing music to life. More exciting moments to come, so stay tuned!
Miziti Live Project USA
Listen to this 1 Hour Jam By Alex Miziti – Live Electronic Music Producer
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Another Live Jamming using synths and electronic drum machines, enjoy it!
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